Coweta Sheriff Contact Information

Here is the con­tact infor­ma­tion for the Sheriff’s Office.  Our clos­est Sheriff’s office is the East Precinct on Literary Lane.  The E Precinct office is just off SR 154, on the left behind the fire sta­tion, about 1 mile south of Thomas Crossroads.  These are the non-emer­gency num­bers, of course dial 911 if it is an emergency.

Coweta County Sheriff’s Office (main)
560 Greison Trail
Newnan, Georgia 30263
(770) 253‑1502
(770) 254‑1043 fax

Coweta County Sheriff’s Office East Precinct
55 Literary Lane
Newnan, Georgia 30265
(770) 254‑8922
(770) 254‑8923 fax

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