Author Archives: Dave Mollner

2017 HOA Annual Membership Meeting

When:   Saturday, Dec. 16th @ 10:30am Where:  Brookstone Park Clubhouse

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Pool Officially Closes Oct. 8th

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20th Annual Brookstone Park Neighborhood Yard Sale

Event Details:  Saturday, Oct. 14th 9a.m.-3p.m. The HOA will be run­ning an ad in the Newnan-Times Herald for 2 weeks lead­ing up to the event.  It has also been post­ed on the NextDoor App, which is seen by 31 sur­round­ing sub­di­vi­sions … Continue read­ing

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Yard of the Month — August 2017

Congratulations to Brandon & Shanna Christensen of 110 Mossy Hollow, also pic­tured here are their daugh­ters, Anna Grace & Hallie.  Thank you for help­ing keep Brookstone Park a beau­ti­ful place to call home!

Posted in Yard of the Month | 1 Comment