Brookstone Park Club Facilities Reservations

Application for Reservation Agreement for Brookstone Park Club Facilities
Reservations must be made three (3) weeks pri­or to the date of your Party or Event

The Brookstone Park Club Facilities was designed to be used by mem­bers and their guests. The club­house may be used for pri­vate par­ties spon­sored by and attend­ed by a mem­ber in good stand­ing. To make a reser­va­tion, com­plete this Park Club Facilities Reservation Agreement doc­u­ment in its entire­ty with an accom­pa­ny­ing pay­ment. In con­sid­er­a­tion for the Brookstone Park Homeowners Association (BPHOA) allow­ing the use of the club­house and fur­nish­ings there­in (here­inafter referred to as Club Facilities).

  1. I agree to reserve the club­house of the BPHOA and agree to the terms and con­di­tions set forth below and includ­ing the BPHOA Rules and Regulations for the club­house and recre­ation­al areas.
  2. Fees:
    • A usage fee in the amount of $25.00 for the upstairs club­house area and/​or $25.00 for the down­stairs pool house area is to be paid by check at the time of the appli­ca­tion sub­mis­sion. We also have a bounce house avail­able for rental for $40.00 (for set up and take down)
    • Payments for the usage fee must be drawn on the account of the indi­vid­ual mem­ber who signs this reser­va­tion agreement.
    • No outside(non-member) pay­ments will be accepted.
    • The HOA Board has the right to invoice the prop­er­ty own­er after a club­house inspec­tion if dam­age repair/​cleaning is required.
    • Reservation must be can­celled two (2) weeks pri­or to the date of your par­ty or event. No refund of the usage fee will be made with­in two weeks of your sched­uled par­ty unless anoth­er reser­va­tion is made for that time period.
  3. No ille­gal drugs are allowed.
  4. Cleaning and Damage Charges: 
    • I under­stand and agree that a dam­age assess­ment will be used to pay for abnor­mal clean­ing
      costs and any and all dam­ages result­ing to the club facil­i­ties, its con­tents or any oth­er
      por­tion of the prop­er­ty from any actions of per­sons present at, or attend­ing, or in any oth­er way relat­ed to my function.
    • No con­fet­ti, sil­ly string or water balloons.
    • ABSOLUTELY no tape on the walls.
    • Brookstone Park Clubhouse Clean-Up Checklist will be used as a basis for dam­ages. I under­stand that any and all abnor­mal clean­ing cost and dam­ages against my HOA account will be explained. I agree to pay the BPHOA the full costs of all clean­ing and/​or repairs with­in (10) days of receipt of a writ­ten expla­na­tion of the dam­ages and a bill from the BPHOA for such clean­ing and/​or repairs.
    • I agree that all fees, and expens­es incurred by the BPHOA as a result of the use of the club facil­i­ties under this agree­ment shall be con­sid­ered an assess­ment and con­sti­tute a lien against my prop­er­ty and shall be ful­ly col­lectible as such as pro­vid­ed in the BPHOA Declaration and By-Laws.
    • I under­stand that fail­ure to pay clean­ing and/​or dam­age fees will cause all user priv­i­leges to be sus­pend­ed until reim­burse­ment is made.
  5. I assume all respon­si­bil­i­ty, risks, lia­bil­i­ties, and haz­ards inci­den­tal to the activ­i­ties applied for (includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed, to serv­ing of beer and/​or alco­holic bev­er­ages) and here­by release and for­ev­er dis­charge the BPHOA, its offi­cers, direc­tors, employ­ees, agents, and mem­bers, past, present and future, from any injury or death and dam­age to or destruc­tion of prop­er­ty aris­ing from my use of the club facil­i­ties and its appurtenances.
  6. I agree to defend, indem­ni­fy, and hold harm­less the BPHOA, its offi­cers, direc­tors, employ­ees, agents, and mem­bers, past, present, and future, from any and all claims, costs, caus­es of action and lia­bil­i­ty (includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, attorney’s fees) for any injury to either per­son or ser­vants, guests, invi­tees or any mem­ber of the BPHOA or any oth­er per­son who arise from or in any way relat­ed to the use of the club facil­i­ties and its appurtenances.
  7. I assume all respon­si­bil­i­ty for the actions and behav­iors of all per­sons present at, attend­ing, or in any oth­er way relat­ed to my func­tion and agrees to be per­son­al­ly respon­si­ble for caus­ing all such per­sons to com­ply with the BPHOA By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations. I acknowl­edge that vio­la­tion there­of by any per­son present, attend­ing, or in any oth­er was relat­ed to my func­tion may, at the sole dis­cre­tion of the BPHOA’s Board of Directors, can result in the assess­ment of dam­ages to my HOA account.
  8. I under­stand that when reserv­ing the club­house, I am being grant­ed the exclu­sive use for the time peri­od described in this appli­ca­tion. This use is sub­ject to the right here­in reserved by the BPHOA to enter the club facil­i­ties and ter­mi­nate any use there­of should the con­duct of any per­son using the facil­i­ty endan­ger the health, safe­ty, or well-being of any per­son or con­sti­tute a nui­sance or threat of any property.
  9. I am a pay­ing HOA mem­ber at least twen­ty-one (21) years of age and will be in atten­dance at my func­tion. I here­by agree and rep­re­sent that the club facil­i­ties will be used for law­ful pur­pos­es only and that if any con­duct at the func­tion I am spon­sor­ing vio­lates fed­er­al, state, or local laws or ordi­nances, my rights to use the club facil­i­ties under this agree­ment shall be ter­mi­nat­ed and the BPHOA shall have the right to take pos­ses­sion of the club facil­i­ties and instruct my guests(s) to leave the property.
  10. I under­stand that the ten­nis courts and pool may not be reserved exclu­sive­ly. The ten­nis courts and pool may only be used in accor­dance with the post­ed rules for the use of those facilities.
  11. I under­stand that smok­ing is pro­hib­it­ed on the grounds of all BPHOA facil­i­ties. This includes the ten­nis courts, pool area, club house, and play­ground area.
  12. I agree to clean in and around all facil­i­ties used (to include col­lect­ing, bag­ging, and plac­ing all garbage in the out­side garbage con­tain­ers) after use, and acknowl­edge the Brookstone Park Clubhouse Clean-Up Checklist and agree to per­form all respon­si­bil­i­ties out­lined on said list.
  13. I under­stand that my reser­va­tion of the club facil­i­ties will not be con­firmed nor will this agree­ment be bind­ing until such time as the BPHOA has exe­cut­ed this agreement.
  14. I under­stand that any key(s) pro­vid­ed to me for the event are for my use only and will not be giv­en to any­one else.
  15. I have care­ful­ly read and under­stand this form and agree to be bound by its terms.
  16. I will noti­fy the Board imme­di­ate­ly if any equip­ment is broken.
  17. Key(s) shall be returned imme­di­ate­ly after clean­ing up (must be returned the same day) to a pre­arranged return loca­tion made by BPHOA and Homeowner.
  18. Keys to all Brookstone Park facil­i­ties are prop­er­ty of the BPHOA and will not be dupli­cat­ed or giv­en to non-members.
  19. Animals are not allowed at the club­house facility.
  20. This is an unal­ter­able agreement.
    • Floors vac­u­umed, swept, and stains removed from carpet.
    • Inside trash con­tain­ers emp­tied and trash tak­en to out­side trash bins.
    • All items brought in MUST be removed.
    • All lamps plugged back into out­lets, lights turned off.
    • Kitchen cleaned, floor cleaned, refrigerator/​freezer cleaned.
    • Outside area free of debris and trash bar­rels empty.
    • Thermostat set.
    • Keys returned.
    • Bathrooms cleaned
    • Furniture and or pool fur­ni­ture returned to orig­i­nal location
    • Clean grills, emp­ty grease pans or water balloons


Fill in the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion and sub­mit a check to the club­house. Your date is NOT secured until the check is received. Please drop off a non-refund­able pay­ment for the usage fee of $25.00 upstairs and/​or $25.00 down­stairs. Please add $40.00 if bounce house is request­ed (This will be refund­ed if weath­er is not per­mit­ting). You must drop a check off with­in 3 days or the rental reser­va­tion request is void.