2014 Brookstone Park Board, Officers, & Committee Members

Brookstone Park Homeowners,                                          January 31, 2014

Please let me begin by apol­o­giz­ing for the delay in get­ting this intro­duc­tion of the 2014 Board out to each of you. It has not been the smoothest of tran­si­tions between the 2013 Board and our Current Board. That being said please let me intro­duce your 2014 Board; my name is Christopher Ratliff, along with Roni Kalec, and Rita Chapman.  As your new Board it is our goal mov­ing for­ward to get our neigh­bor­hood back to a more fru­gal and com­mon sense type approach that I believe as your vol­un­teers for the Homeowners Association we owe you. The great peo­ple on the 2014 Board, Architectural, and Covenant Committees real­ize that by liv­ing here you have cho­sen to make Brookstone Park your home, and that it is our duty to you and your fam­i­lies to enhance that expe­ri­ence by mak­ing sure that every­one fol­lows the covenants in a rea­son­able and respon­si­ble way.  In mov­ing towards that goal the Board has appoint­ed Dick Powell as Vice President in order to uti­lize his many years of ser­vice and expe­ri­ence that he has giv­en our com­mu­ni­ty. The Board has also appoint­ed Edgar Thompson as Vice President over Architectural and Covenants; his respon­si­bil­i­ty will be to over­see these com­mit­tees and use his many years of expe­ri­ence to make your home improve­ment or covenant expe­ri­ence a pleas­ant one. These two gentleman’s guid­ance to the new Board will be invalu­able. We are all neigh­bors and we all want many of the same things. We all want to live some­where that we feel proud of, and with the com­fort of know­ing that as neigh­bors we are here to work togeth­er for the bet­ter­ment of our neigh­bor­hood.  Therefore, the 2014 Board has vot­ed to rescind all pre­vi­ous­ly open 2013 covenant vio­la­tions and make a fresh start in 2014. Your new Board has also, decid­ed to reverse the club­house rental rates that the pre­vi­ous Board vot­ed to put in place for 2014. The pre­vi­ous Board had vot­ed to increase our rental fees to $40 for upstairs rental, and $50 for the down­stairs. We have decid­ed to return it to our pre­vi­ous rental rate of $25. The ameni­ties we enjoy here in Brookstone Park are an exten­sion of your home, and as such, we believe that by pay­ing your dues the high­er price for rental of your Clubhouse was not war­rant­ed. The new Board real­izes that it is your mon­ey we are man­ag­ing our Homeowners Association with and that it is our respon­si­bil­i­ty to spend that mon­ey very fru­gal­ly. It is one of our goals to build up our reserve funds to the point that we could even­tu­al­ly low­er our annu­al homeowner’s dues in the future.

We also are look­ing for­ward to get­ting back to many of the activ­i­ties that we used to enjoy here in Brookstone Park, such as our year­ly cook­out, ice cream socials for the kids and their fam­i­lies, fam­i­ly movie nights down at the pool, (every­one brings a dish for din­ner and a movie) Christmas at the Clubhouse includ­ing Santa that our kids can take a pic­tures with…  If you can think of oth­er activ­i­ties you would like to see your HOA enter­tain then please share your thoughts by send­ing a note through the web­site or drop­ping it in the drop box at the Clubhouse.  Please check our web­site for upcom­ing dates of events. We will also be doing a Brookstone Park Newsletter that will have all this infor­ma­tion in your mailbox.


Below is a break­down of your 2014 Officers and Committee Members:

President- Christopher Ratliff

Vice President- Dick Powell

Board Member at Large- Rita Chapman

Secretary- Ursula Norenberg

Treasurer- Roni Kalec

Asst. Treasurer- Jody Harrison


Vice President of Architectural and Covenants- Edgar Thompson


Architectural Committee-                                Covenants Committee-

Lee Chapman                                                       Lance Norenberg       Carlton Oswalt

Dave Mollner                                                       Eileen Kashani                 Terry Kelley

Yard of the Month-                                            Clubhouse Rental-

Shirley Thompson                                                    Valerie Jennings

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