Author Archives: Christopher Ratliff

Executive Board & Officers Meeting

All Brookstone Park HOA Board mem­bers and 2014 Officers are request­ed to be at a meet­ing on Monday March 24, 2014 @ 7:oopm at the club­house. This is an Executive Session closed to the home­own­ers for Financial, Personnel, & Calendar discussions.

Posted in General News | 1 Comment

2014 Brookstone Park Board, Officers, & Committee Members

Brookstone Park Homeowners,                                          January 31, 2014 Please let me begin by apol­o­giz­ing for the delay in get­ting this intro­duc­tion of the 2014 Board out to each of you. It has not been the smoothest of tran­si­tions between the 2013 Board and … Continue read­ing

Posted in General News | 1 Comment