Lending Library

Karen Robertson had the idea of a lend­ing library a lit­tle while back. Jim Reichle brought the idea to real­i­ty, and today the first hand­ful of books were put in the library. Karen donat­ed some books (sev­er­al kids books and one adult book). Kathy Reichle also donat­ed sev­er­al books.

You can see it’s loca­tion at the base of both stair­cas­es at the club­house. There are two doors, kids on the left and adult on the right.

Drop by, grab a book or two, or con­tribute a book or two.

Robbin Dykes has vol­un­teered her time to help estab­lish this library.

I am very proud of this col­lab­o­ra­tive effort!!  Our neigh­bor­hood can become a com­mu­ni­ty when we come togeth­er for positive.

If you have ideas, please bring them for­ward. We are open to ideas and will do our best to con­tin­u­al­ly improve Brookstone. Park HOA

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