I want to make everyone aware of a conversation the board had with a developer regarding the land adjacent to the pool entrance that lies between the entrance and Kids r Kids.
The developer is looking to build a Senior Loft community on the land with 81 units. Attached are the schematics. They reached out to me asking for our community input on the matter. I had a very good conversation with the district 4 county commissioner. He and the developer are asking to host an open forum to hear our neighborhoods questions or concerns on the development.
This is just an fyi at this point as no date has been set as of yet. I will let everyone know once a date and location is on the calendar.
The timeline is to hear our concerns, then get on the commissioner agenda to be heard for a rezoning, then the hearing itself. I suspect the entire process will take six weeks.
The companies website developing is: www.mvahpartners.com if you want to see their work.
The board has a list of concerns to address at the meeting. I encourage everyone to attend the meeting and voice any concerns you have as well. I will post the date, time and place when established.
Please let your neighbors know who are not on Facebook or check the website.
Thanks, Scott, Will, and Kevin!