Proposed 81 Unit Building


I want to make every­one aware of a con­ver­sa­tion the board had with a devel­op­er regard­ing the land adja­cent to the pool entrance that lies between the entrance and Kids r Kids.

The devel­op­er is look­ing to build a Senior Loft com­mu­ni­ty on the land with 81 units. Attached are the schemat­ics. They reached out to me ask­ing for our com­mu­ni­ty input on the mat­ter. I had a very good con­ver­sa­tion with the dis­trict 4 coun­ty com­mis­sion­er. He and the devel­op­er are ask­ing to host an open forum to hear our neigh­bor­hoods ques­tions or con­cerns on the devel­op­ment.

This is just an fyi at this point as no date has been set as of yet. I will let every­one know once a date and loca­tion is on the cal­en­dar.

The time­line is to hear our con­cerns, then get on the com­mis­sion­er agen­da to be heard for a rezon­ing, then the hear­ing itself. I sus­pect the entire process will take six weeks.

The com­pa­nies web­site devel­op­ing is: if you want to see their work.

The board has a list of con­cerns to address at the meet­ing. I encour­age every­one to attend the meet­ing and voice any con­cerns you have as well. I will post the date, time and place when estab­lished.

Please let your neigh­bors know who are not on Facebook or check the web­site.

Thanks, Scott, Will, and Kevin!

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