Pool Keys

Brookstone Park Residents,

Our pool key sys­tem that oper­ates entry into the pool and ten­nis courts has failed beyond repair.  Your cur­rent key no longer works.  The HOA board has had the old sys­tem replaced with Open Path.  Open path oper­ates by swip­ing your smart device as the key.  This com­ing Thursday March 31st from 5:00 until 7:30 and this com­ing Saturday April 2nd from 9:00 until 2:00 we will be issu­ing new pool keys.  More dates to follow.

Here is what you need to do/​know:

  1. Property own­er des­ig­nates who receives a key
  2. Person/​people receiv­ing a key must live at the residence
  3. Each smart device needs to down­load OpenPath app BEFORE show­ing up
  4. Keys will only be issued to res­i­dents over age 16 as per the pool rules which have been defined by our insur­ance policy
  5. As you receive a key, the prop­er­ty own­er will be required to sign a release form

When you arrive:

  • Bring your mobile device for each users
  • Driver license or proof of residency.
  • Download the OpenPath app before arriving

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