Brookstone Park Residents,
Our pool key system that operates entry into the pool and tennis courts has failed beyond repair. Your current key no longer works. The HOA board has had the old system replaced with Open Path. Open path operates by swiping your smart device as the key. This coming Thursday March 31st from 5:00 until 7:30 and this coming Saturday April 2nd from 9:00 until 2:00 we will be issuing new pool keys. More dates to follow.
Here is what you need to do/know:
- Property owner designates who receives a key
- Person/people receiving a key must live at the residence
- Each smart device needs to download OpenPath app BEFORE showing up
- Keys will only be issued to residents over age 16 as per the pool rules which have been defined by our insurance policy
- As you receive a key, the property owner will be required to sign a release form
When you arrive:
- Bring your mobile device for each users
- Driver license or proof of residency.
- Download the OpenPath app before arriving